1103 North Pontiac Ave. Dothan, AL 36303
334-792-7898 | office@evergreenpres.church

Session & Committees' Portal
The Session Portal & Committees' Portal is the gateway to almost everything you need to know to serve as a Ruling Elder and a Committee Member at Evergreen Presbyterian Church (USA).
The folders and files on this page have info for each meeting.
More info about meetings and handbooks will be added as we work together. This is your site, showing your work of worship.
Notebooks, Files, Committee Toolboxes
PCUSA Book of Order
The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) is composed of two parts: Part 1 is The Book of Confessions, containing statements of faith from pivotal moments in the history of the church; Part 2 is the Book of Order.
The Book of Order explains the functional foundations of the whole PCUSA denomination, provides rules of governance for church sessions, presbyteries, synods, and the General Assembly, teaches the beliefs and guidelines for worship, and makes provision for church discipline.