1103 North Pontiac Ave. Dothan, AL 36303
334-792-7898 | office@evergreenpres.church

The Session is the governing council of a Presbyterian Church (USA). The Session consists of Ruling Elders elected by the congregation to discern the mission and vision of the church, oversee its ministries, care for the members, serve the community, and provide for worship. Elders are elected to serve in classes of 3-year terms.
The Session of Evergreen
Class of 2025: Joseph Hoekenga, Betsy May, Aimee McDonough, Press Sekeres
Class of 2026: Sally Andrews, Lavonda Gosselin, Cliff Jarrett, Elijah Sekers, Jenny Winters
Class of 2027: Troy Eck, Kathy Garrett, Sam Maddox, Neva Martin
The Pastor Nominating Committee
Kathy Garrett, Neva Martin, Hayne Hollis, Chris Pruitt, Chuck Jackson, Jodie Sekeres, Jim Knighton, Kaye Yearta, Magnus Eck