1103 North Pontiac Ave. Dothan, AL 36303
334-792-7898 | office@evergreenpres.church
ever Caring
Caring creates community. Evergreen creates communities of care for our church and for our city. We build friendships, share burdens, celebrate life's joys, and work throughout our city to be the hands, feet, and heart of Christ for all.
Help with our current needs by clicking on the buttons for our Amazon Wish Lists:
If you need financial assistance, click the button to apply.

caring for each other
Congregational Care and Fellowship
The Congregational Care & Fellowship Ministry team seeks to create opportunities for fellowship and expressions of care and connectedness among our church family. We coordinate monthly church-wide, after-service lunches on the First Sunday of the month. Our team also attends to congregational care by providing meals, visits, and phone calls through our Care Shepherd efforts. Be it a celebration of a birth or marriage, a sadness due to death, diagnosis, or change in family or work life, an illness that leads to prolonged treatments or recovery, or a church-wide gathering that helps us learn more about each other, the Ministry team is working to knit together our hearts in Christian love.
Care Shepherds
Evergreen's Care Shepherds are a group of trained individuals for the shut-ins and those in pain or dealing with family stresses. Please contact the church office at 334-792-7898 if you know of someone who needs a smiling face or words of encouragement. If the Holy Spirit has been knocking on your door to be the sunshine in someone's life, please open it and let God in to help you help others!
Connected across South Alabama
Evergreen is proud of our connection to the other PCUSA churches of South Alabama Presbytery. We give abundantly of our time and offerings to our shared, connectional body to support churches and ministries of sister congregations.
caring for our city

Evergreen Food Pantry
Our in-house food pantry serves approximately 50-60 families each week. This translates into about 5000 bags of groceries annually, shared with those in need. Each family receives 2 full bags of groceries, bakery items, cereal, fruits and vegetables when available and we’ve recently added frozen meat. Families may return every 4 weeks to receive food and they are always grateful for the goods they receive. Some of the clients we serve now volunteer to help pass out food on Wednesdays.
We invite anyone to come and take a tour of the food pantry, located behind the community room, or just show up on Wednesday morning about 8:45 to help pass out food. Canned items are always needed to replenish our supplies. Monetary donations are appreciated and go a long way toward meeting this critical need.
Financial Assistance
Evergreen offers financial assistance needs toward living expenses. Call the office Wednesdays at 8:30am to set up an appointment.
Mama Tina’s
Evergreen volunteers and supports Mama Tins Mission House – the only Soup Kitchen in Dothan. They serve 2 meals: sack lunch at 12 and a hot dinner at 5pm Monday-Friday. Mama Tina’s is the longest running soup kitchen in the state of Alabama. They feed up to 300 people a day, with over 2500 sack lunches and dinners each month. There’s a clothing closet providing for over 250 people.
Girard Primary and Middle Schools
Evergreen is proud to serve as a sponsor of students and staff of Girard Primary and Middle Schools. These schools are within walking distance of our church. Many of the students come from low-income families. Our sponsorship helps provide some of the most basic needs for the schools.
The Harbor
The Harbor is an inner-city ministry in the heart of Dothan, serving the homeless and those in need of basic care and provision. Evergreen sends volunteers to help serve this vital work in service to the neighbors we often don’t see. https://theharbordothan.org/
The Herring House
Evergreen sponsors the work of The Herring House, a residential recovery center for chemical dependency related assistance, serving both men and women. https://alabamafamilycentral.org/service/herring-houses-of-dothan/